Cómo quitar la cobertura estabilizadora de bordado soluble en agua?

Cómo quitar la cobertura estabilizadora de bordado soluble en agua?


Hey, embroidery fans!

You’;ve finished a lovely project using water-soluble stabilizer topping, but now you need to figure out how to get it off without ruining your work.

This article will teach you how to expertly and properly remove water-soluble embroidery stabilizer coating. If you have the right techniques, you can make sure that your embroidery looks perfect, with no traces of glue or distortion.

But before that, if you want your embroidery design to look good after impresión or embroidery. Después, you can contact us at EMdigitizing for your embroidery digitizing projects that your embroidery machine or printer can read easily.


How To Remove Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping

Cómo quitar la cobertura estabilizadora de bordado soluble en agua?

What Is Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping?

What Is Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping
What Is Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping

A type of stabilizer that breaks down in water is a water-soluble embroidery stabilizer topping, which is also called Solvy. It’;s essential in high-quality embroidery, as it helps to smooth the embroidery surface, which is necessary for producing clear embroidery.

In contrast to traditional toppings, water-soluble ones won’;t get absorbed by the fabric, allowing for more distinct diseños de bordado. A water-soluble topping is a good option for crafts like freestanding lace, where the embroidery is the focal point.

It’;s used on terrycloth, camisas de golf, lana, and anything else with a high nap (a thicker fabric). If you are embroidering on a sheer or lightweight fabric and do not want the backing to show, use a water-soluble topping as a backing instead.

It comes in both a plastic-like thick film and a fabric-like stabiliser. Both do the same thing, so it’;s up to you which one you choose.

How Do You Use Water-Soluble Topping For Embroidery?

How Do You Use Water-Soluble Topping For Embroidery
Software de digitalización de bordado

A water-soluble stabilizer is a fantastic option for embroidering on a wide range of textiles. It’;s simple to use and blends into water fully, leaving behind a lovely design. It’;s great for embroidering on materials that are too delicate or thick to fit in a standard aro de bordado.

Hay 2 ways to use water-soluble embroidery stabilizer topping. You can either float it on top or hoop it with your fabric.

  1. If it’;s floating, hold it firmly with tape, a pin, or even a thin coat of temporary spray glue.
  2. Another option is to lightly wet the sides of the stabilizer (not on the embroidery area) and stick it that way.

Methods To Remove Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping

Methods To Remove Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping
Methods To Remove Water-Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping

When you’;re done embroidery, peel off the water-soluble backing from your garment. When you try to take it off, it tears easily, and the empty spaces between embroidery stitches, letters or items tend to get stuck inside them.

It can be challenging to remove water-soluble topping. You’ve tried everything to remove it but failed to remove it entirely.

And now you’re in search of easy ways to remove it.

Then EMdigitizing has got you covered, embroidery lovers!

But before jumping into how you can remove water-soluble bordado a maquina stabilizers easily, we’ve some exciting news for you. We’re offering embroidery digitizing and vector art services with fast turnaround. You can also get 50% off on your first order with high quality. Asi que, what are you waiting for haga clic aquí and get your design digitized quickly.

Ahora, let’s talk about the easy ways to remove water-soluble stabilizer topping:

Método # 1: Rinsing


Esta es la forma más fácil y habitual de deshacerse del estabilizador de bordado soluble en agua.. Para quitar la capa estabilizadora, simplemente remoje la tela bordada en agua tibia. Después, use los dedos o un cepillo suave para quitar con cuidado la cobertura estabilizadora.

Recordatorio: Frotar demasiado fuerte podría arruinar el bordado., así que por favor sea amable.

Método # 2: Use un paño húmedo y planche

Use Damp Cloth and Iron
Use un paño húmedo y planche

Plancharlo es otra opción para deshacerse de la capa estabilizadora de bordado soluble en agua.. Cubre la tela bordada con una toalla húmeda y plánchala a temperatura media..

El sobrecalentamiento de la tela podría provocar que se queme., así que ten cuidado. Mientras presionas, la cobertura estabilizadora se derretirá.

Aunque funciona bien, we don’;No lo recomiendo como tu primera opción..

Método # 3: Usar un descosedor

Using a Seam Ripper
Usar un descosedor

If you want to remove the Solvy from your embroidery without damaging it, use a seam ripper.

Grab the stabilizer and hold it away from the base fabric. Después, keep the ball down and use the seam ripper to cut.

Let’;s be honest: It does not work well for all types of fabric. For Some heavy fabrics such as towels, it might be not useful.

Método # 4: Use Tennis Ball

Use Tennis Ball
Use Tennis Ball

We’ve seen some people use tennis balls to remove the embroidery stabilizer topping. We are excited to share how you can use a tennis ball to remove machine embroidery stabilizers.

It is a quick and easy way to finish your embroidery projects. también, a more environmentally friendly option than using disposable seam rippers.

Start by soaking an inexpensive tennis ball in the water. You need it to be damp, but not drenched. Cover the tennis ball with any remaining water-soluble stabiliser. When dry, it will have a smooth, hard surface that will protect the ball like a cocoon.

Wet your fingers with water and rub a part of your solvy ball until it gets sticky and wet. This will get rid of the water-soluble topping that is stuck in your diseño de bordado. Then apply pressure to the water-soluble topping you want to take off. It should come off easily!

Terminando: Which Method is Best for Removing Water Soluble Embroidery Stabilizer Topping?

We hope this guide will help you with water-soluble stabilizers (wash-away stabilizers) embroidery topping and how you can use them as backing or topping. We also mention some budget-friendly options to remove it.

We recommend a seam sipper and tennis ball best method to remove the machine embroidery stabilizer. Pero puedes seguir el método anterior según tus necesidades y el tipo de tejido..

EMdigitizing es una empresa de diseño de bordado experimentada y de buena reputación., ofreciendo completo digitalización de bordados y servicios de edición de vectores para clientes de todo el mundo.

Para todo aquel que quiera digitalizar cualquier cosa de forma rápida y con alta calidad., EMDigitalización es una opción fantástica. Ofrecemos a los clientes nuevos un 50% descuento en todos nuestros servicios, más una cotización gratuita que se genera en menos de 5 minutos.

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También te puede interesar

Los tipos más comunes de estabilizadores utilizados en el bordado a máquina son los solubles en agua y los que se pueden desgarrar.. Además, para tejidos delicados, utilizar un estabilizador más ligero. Para tejidos más gruesos, usar un estabilizador más pesado.

Para usar adornos de bordado, just pin or sew them in place on top of the fabric you’;Estaré bordando. Haz tu bordado como de costumbre.. When you’;re done embroidery, Retire la cobertura o disuélvala en agua..

Para eliminar el diseño de bordado Adición, Remoje la tela en agua tibia hasta que el estabilizador se disuelva.. You can also use a seam ripper to remove the stabilizer. Check our article for more options.